Title: Wheel Rim Protector Set, 3 piece Fits over the wheel rim to protect the wheel from being scratched or damaged while using tire spoons. Set of 3. The TabsOverview SKU: 4769 Categories: Specialty ToolsWheel & TireMotorcycle SpecsProduct Dimensions: 9.83 × 5.2 × 1.25 inShipping Weight: 0.3 lb DownloadsHigh Resolution Images: https://otctools.com/sites/default/files/4769_9014_0.jpg https://otctools.com/sites/default/files/4769_4770_and_4771_1.jpg https://otctools.com/sites/default/files/4769_4770_and_4771_10.jpg VideosEmbedded video for Wheel Rim Protector Set, 3 pieceEmbedded video for Wheel Rim Protector Set, 3 piece