Title: 2-Ton Service Jack Ergonomic handle for user comfort and easy mobility.Foot pedal for quick approach of the lifting saddle to load.Built-in tray for fasteners and tools.Polyamide wheels.CE marked - ASME/PALD tested. The TabsOverview SKU: 5202 Categories: Shop EquipmentService JacksSupersedes P/N's: 1525 SpecsProduct Dimensions: 41 × 14 × 6.88 inShipping Weight: 75 lb DownloadsProduct Documents: Brochure - English Parts List and Operating Instructions – English (Document # 540666) Parts List and Operating Instructions – Spanish (Document # 540666) Parts List and Operating Instructions – French (Document # 540666)High Resolution Images: https://otctools.com/sites/default/files/5202_3876_0.jpg Videos