MD1300 OBD II Scan Tool

The most current software version is D73D and there are currently no updates available.

To determine the software version in your tool, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the tool to an OBD II vehicle and turn the key to the ON position.
  2. The tool will automatically display the I/M Monitors and Codes. Press the ←BACK button to return to the Main Menu.
  3. Tap the ERASE button until System Setup is highlighted and press ENTER.
  4. Tap the ERASE button until Tool Information is highlighted and press ENTER.
  5. View the SW ID.

Software updates are performed using the Scanning Suite application. It also contains the tool user manuals.

Scanning Suite 4.0 Installation Instructions

Download Scanning Suite 4.0

Compatible Operating Systems:
Windows XP, Vista, 7
32-bit and 64-bit