100-ton Capacity Heavy-Duty Shop Press 1857 – 100-ton press. Includes single-acting
No. 52434 ram with 10" stroke; No. 4008 hydraulic
hand pump; No. 9651 gauge; No. 9781 hose
(3/8" ID x 10'); and pump mounting bracket.
1858 – Same as No. 1857, except has double-acting No. 51683 ram with 13" stroke;
No. 61217 3-phase, 220V, 3450 rpm electric/hydraulic pump; and two No. 9769 hoses.
1858-1P – Same as No. 1858, except it has a No. 4064 2-stage, 1-phase hydraulic pump.
and shafts for straightening or bending.
positioning during repetitive jobs.
horizontal adjustments; rugged press frame will
withstand a full capacity load with the ram head in
any position across the upper bolster.
The Tabs
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